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Renewing the New York State of Mind

New York City: a whole new world.

We have arrived in the big apple and couldn't be happier to be here! My team and I are all settled in to our new temporary home here in the East Village of Manhattan; fully immersing ourselves in the new culture and people that we have joined. It is incredible to see such a change, even just staying within our own nation. We have gone from one extreme of the laid back, gorgeous Hawaii with a campus full of on fire Jesus lovers from every nation; to New York City: an incredible ginormous city with a metling pot of cultures and people from every walk of life. It has been a crazy past few days of adjusting to a new speed and lifestyle. What I have learned over the past few years of being in different places with different cultures though is that no matter how many things around you change, Jesus stays the same. I am always comforted and excited by the truth that Jesus and His goodness and love for me does not change with what changes around me. I love being able to see His faithfulness in every circumstance.

Ministry so far in NY has been amazing. Since we are in the "holiday season", many of our set in stone ministries will not start until the first week of January. So what we have been doing whilst adjusting and getting to know the city is a lot of street evangelsm. It has been awesome to see both the students and Tylar and I step out in more freedom and boldness in how we love people and share the love of Jesus!

Here is a cool testimony:

The first day, Tylar and I sent our students out to figure out the subways as well as pray over different districts of NY. While they were doing that, Tylar and I went grocery shopping and met up with a ministry contact; but first stopped at Starbucks for a morning coffee! Before we were about to leave the shop I went back in line to get a refill and as I was waiting in line I saw a man standing in front of me and casually said, "hey! How is your day going?". He looked up with a surprised look on his face and slowly replied, "it's going good, thanks", with a gentle smile. He went to the register to order a drink and before paying, turned around and looked at me and said "well what are you ordering?". I told him that I was getting a refill on my iced coffee and he said, "I'll get it for you!". I was shocked and immediately thanked him. When we were both on the other side of the counter I introduced myself and thanked him again. He said, "I think it's awesome that you said hi. It's rare that you ever find someone in New York who does that.". ...I was so taken back by this; because he was being genuinely sincere in what he was saying. It then hit my heart that one of the biggest hinderances to people seeing Jesus in this city is that seemingly, no one has time. Everyone is always rushing, counting their time as too precious; but that's not what Jesus did. Jesus stopped for the one. Jesus spent time loving on the individual; He was not bound by a schedule or by time limitations: Jesus loved. After meeting Daniel (the Starbucks guy), I realized that I can show the character of Jesus to people simply by stopping and making time for them. I love that! I love that loving people and loving Jesus is so simple! We love people by valuing them as Jesus values them, and it is my joy to continue to grow in doing that.

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